Try Cradle - Buy Cradle
3SL offers free trials of our Cradle software so that you can see for yourself how powerful of a tool it is and how easy it is to use. As we are a distributor for Cradle, the actually eval an online purchase options are on the producer website (3SL in the UK vs 3SL in the US - see About page for more on that). Before you click over, lets take a moment and figure out which version is best for you.
Which Version of Cradle to you Need
Cradle has a number of options depending on what you need to do. Answering a few questions can quickly point you to the right version.
Just you or a Team?
Single User
There are a lot of times where you need to gather good data and show traceability but you don't have a big team needing to collaborate. Cradle single user packages are a great way to accomplish this. Cradle will be installed on a single PC and provides a very powerful and cost effective way to manage requirements and do your systems engineering.
- Small projects
- One person doing documentation
- Consultant approach
- This is also a good way to plan how a larger team may use Cradle - start small, plan, expand
Single User Versions
There are four packages for Single users of Cradle; RM and SE packages, Desktop and Pro. Cradle RM options focus on tracing your standard requirement management needs while Cradle SE adds modeling functions. Desktop versions trace and manage data while the Pro versions add the ability to publish MS Word documents directly from our data, producing high quality outputs and reports. When you select your evaluation or to purchase be sure to check which option you need:
- Cradle RM Desktop - powerful requirement management
- Cradle RM Pro - requirement management with well formatted document outputs
- Cradle SE Desktop - builds on requirement management, adding integrated modeling functions
- Cradle SE Pro - requirement management, modeling and publishing *Most powerful and best value of the single seat options*
Click Here to Buy Single Seat Cradle packages
Cradle really takes off when you have a team that needs to work together to accomplish great things. Cradle's Enterprise version enables groups from two to thousands to work on a common project and set of data. If this is you - be sure to pick the evaluation for Cradle Enterprise. If you need pricing or other information contact us directly for information on which modules and options will be the best fit for your team.